Monday, August 18, 2014

Magic Erasers

"Complexion Correction" is already a pretty good name for these little guys, but I still prefer "Magic Erasers", because I feel like it does just that - erases. Your pores just disappear and leave you staring at your face in the mirror wondering where they went, but also not really caring because Woohoo! Pores are gone, baby gone! 

I initially purchased them to take care of some pesky hormonal breakouts. As if that time of the month isn't fun enough, they just had to throw breakouts into the mix, amirite?! Grr. But these little pads did so much more than just clear up my skin... They decongest your pores, getting rid of blackheads, which also makes them shrink i.e. disappear. You also get a nice glow and I swear some of the fine lines on my forehead have become far less noticeable. They also smell amazing - like peaches!

I use them twice a day, immediately after cleansing and toning. I swipe one little pad (bumpy side up for exfoliation) across my entire face until I've absorbed most of the moisture. I wait three minutes (brush my teeth) and then put on moisturizer. Voila! You've magically erased your complexion into perfection.

The Ging Twins

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