Wednesday, September 3, 2014

DIY: Dress to Skirt

I have never been one for DIY projects... My outcomes always seem to fall a little short of what Pinterest says they're supposed to look like. However, desperate times call for desperate measures! In this case, my desperation came in the form of a dress that didn't fit quite right... The dress came from SheInside (sort of an Asian version of Forever 21, I think) and I only wore it once before it got relegated to the back of my closet... A few months later, I got inspired to do something about it. I couldn't return it since I'd already worn it. And I really did love the striped skirt. Plan A was to take it to a tailor and have the professionals take a crack at separating top from bottom. When they said it couldn't be done, I resorted to Plan B: Do it Yourself, baby! Full disclosure: The dress was very inexpensive and I was never going to wear it again the way it was, so I really had nothing to lose. I probably wouldn't recommend this for a garment of higher quality. After all, I'm no seamstress...

OK, let's get to work! Here's what it looked like the only time I ever wore it as a dress...

It may not look like the travesty that it actually was, but I promise you - It was frighteningly short and the excessive elastic caused the "waist" of the dress to fall right under my chest... not cute. (I kept that huge coat on for 95% of that day).

I laid the dress out on my kitchen table. It seemed like an easy enough job... all I had to do was cut off the top!

But I had a pesky zipper to contend with...

A glass of wine has been known to fix a multitude of things. You know what else is equally handy? Krazy Glue. I spread some along the inside of the zipper, then zipped it up and spread some along the top for good measure...

I gave it a day to dry, and then cut the whole top off with scissors...


Good as new, am I right?! Moral of the story is don't let clothes go to waste!

The Ging Twins

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